Working Papers
- "Globalisation and NGOs", by Sylvie Brunel (in French)
- "Exodus and reconstruction of identities: Somali minority refugees in Mombasa, Kenya", by Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos
- "Humanitarian NGOs in Burundi: a poll", by Ghislain Benrais
- "Humanitarian neutrality and the way beneficiaries perceive it: the political dimension of international aid in Burundi", by Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos (in French)
- "Humanitarian aid and public health in Afghanistan during the taliban regime", by Valéry Ridde (in French)
- "Humanitarian aid and Muslim NGOs in Southern Lebanon, 2006: a new dialogue between Shiites and Europeans?", by Marc André Lagrange (in French)
- "Humanitarian NGOs and the migration policies of States: a financial and strategic analysis", by Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos
- "Humanitarian Advocacy and Human Rights: Reporters sans frontières in Tibet", by Anna Louedec (in French)
- "Autobiographies of Spanish Refugee Children at the Quaker Home in La Rouvière (France, 1940): Humanitarian Communication and Children’s Writings", by Célia Keren
- "Rating NGOs and MDGs (Millennium Development Goals): a critical assessment", by Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos (in French)
- The (de)Militarization of Humanitarian Aid: A Historical Perspective, by Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos